The 2025 Adventure Writers Competition is now open!
Accepting manuscripts from January 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025!
Please watch this video first! Click the box ———–>
Submission Requirements:
- Entries must be submitted and fees collected any time after 12:00:00 AM PST January 1, 2025 and before 11:59:59 PM PST on April 30, 2025.
- Authors can create as many entries as desired, though each will require a separate fee and entry email with appropriate attachments and information.
- Only one entry will be allowed into the finalist round from the same author.
- Each entry must be accompanied by the $50 fee. Except as otherwise provided in the rules, this fee is non-refundable.
1. Remove all instances of your author’s name or pen name, phone number and email address from any visible text from anywhere within the document. The author(s)’ name(s) or other information, including copyright information may be included in the file properties if you feel it is necessary, as long as it is not visible upon opening the document.
2. Remove all front and back matter. Manuscripts should be free of material that is not directly in support of the story being told. Maps and timelines (that pertain to a scene or scenes within the novel) and dramatis personae (character listings) will be accepted. Using asterisks or other characters to mark breaks in the narrative is acceptable.
Please also remove:
• table of contents
• synopses (synopsis)
• copyright page (you may include a copyright number in the metadata/file properties info of the submitted entry manuscript if you desire)
• acknowledgements, dedications
• any information or comments about the author
• author’s and editor’s notes, thank-yous
• sources, resources, bibliographies, indexes and glossaries artwork, research articles, etc.
• photos, graphics, drawings diagrams, awards listing and reviews.
3. Format your manuscript for judging:
• Acceptable electronic document format: .doc, .docx or .pdf only
• Page size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
• Margins: 1″ on all sides (left, right, top and bottom)
• Line spacing: single space
• Justification: left justified (other justification within text is accepted) with ragged right edge.
• Page numbers: centered on bottom
• Font: Times New Roman 12 pt
• Remove drop capital letters
• First line paragraph indent: .5 inches
• Paragraph spacing: remove all lines before and after paragraphs of same style
• Payment must be received at the time of manuscript submission, or the entry may be disqualified.
• If you have payment questions, please contact the AWC Director via email.
MAKE YOUR PAYMENT of the entry fee ($50.00 US) by completing the following steps:
- Click the “Buy Now” button below to be taken to the AWC payment page at PayPal.
2. Log into your PayPal account (or create one and then log in).
3. If your paypal account has no balance, you may be asked to pay by credit card through PayPal.
4. Once complete, you should see a screen like the example to the right. TAKE A SCREEN SHOT of this receipt (sample below) and attach it to the email you will create in the next step.

THIRD: CREATE AN EMAIL to: submissionsawc@gmail.com
In the text of the email, include:
1. Author(s)’s name(s)
2. Your manuscript title.
3. The name of the person who’s PayPal account you used (if not your own). Why? Many entrants use some account other than their own, and it creates verification issues.
4. The screenshot of the PayPal receipt (as attachment or in the body of the email.
5. Author’s contact phone number
6. Author’s contact email address
Now attach your manuscript to the email and send it to submissionsawc@gmail.com IF YOU SUBMIT A PDF, PLEASE REDUCE the files DPI in your ‘save’ process to 72 dpi!

Remember: .doc or .docx or pdf files ONLY.
IF YOU SUBMIT A PDF, PLEASE REDUCE the file’s DPI in your ‘save’ process to 72 dpi!
We will send you a verification email so you know you’re all set! It could take a few days so sit tight!
You are finished! Thanks for entering and good luck!